Glacier Travel

Glacier Travel

Monday, June 27, 2011

What paradigms have shifted thus far...

Faithful followers. You are so good to us. We have not done a joint post in a while and thought, well, it's about that time. I (Becs) leave for course on Friday for 3 weeks and I (Emily) go out on Sunday for a week long course. Before we go our separate ways for a time, we wanted to share with you what we have collectively learned about SROM and Laramie.

1) An 8:30 staff meeting means 8:45...or 9:00.
2) The coffee pot never runs dry. We proclaim coffee/caffeine as the only permissible christian addiction. Too far?
3) We need more staff. Literally, after I (Becs) leave, we will have only full-time staff and Emily left at the building. Anyone need a job?
4) You can leave for lunch whenever you want and no one asks any questions. also, same goes for coffee runs.
5) You can make appointments during the workday and no one furrows their brow. Haircut at 9:30am? Don't mind if I do.
6) Coal Creek has the most eclectic performers we've ever listened to. You never know what to expect when it's an open mic night. Also, their coffee is delicioso...but extremely expensive. 
7) If there is ever a guess as to where a business or restaurant is located, you can guess Grand or 3rd street and will most likely find what you're looking for.
8) Boys are more inclined to date/be married than the women. The west is different than that south, that's for sure.
9)" Don't pick your face, don't bite your sores." - Me to Emily
10) Buena Vista, Colorado is exactly 4 hours from Laramie.
11) Branson, Missouri is 13 and a half hours from Laramie.
12) "I eat because I'm fat and I'm fat because I eat...wait that's not how it goes is it." -Emily shoving her face with popcorn while watching Braveheart. She claims it's because she was nervous....
13) University of Wyoming (which hails here in Laramie) students are some of the most legit individuals on the planet. aka: Rachel Dowd and Angela Peterson...just to name a few.
14) It is always...and I mean ALWAYS windy. 
15) No one has AC here. They only have heaters. In the summer, even if it reaches 90 degrees, they just open their windows and the breeze cools their homes.
16) everyone, i mean EVERYONE drives a subaru. and its not fair. i want i want i need i need!
17) Also, everyone owns a dog. We call them sons at SROM. But seriously. Dogs...everywhere.
18) Sunsets in laramie are breathtaking. literally. flabergasting.
19) At SROM the appropriate response to pain or misfortune is to shout KUMBAYA!!
20) Don't go to Denver when you don't know what festivals are going on and subsequently what streets will be marked off or not.
21) On the Denver tangent, Walter's Pizzeria on Pearl street is absolutely delicious.
22) We've have never been on a run here where I have not been whistled at, hollered at, or had a phone number shouted out the window for me to dial. Maybe I'll make that phone call.
23) Atmosphere. Go there. Don't even ask why. You'll know when you walk through the door. Bring dog treats and a bottle of guinness and you'll be treated well.
24) Playing music at night drowns out the sound of the trains. hooray for iron and wine sweetly lulling us to sleep into the deep recesses of the night.
25) I actually like the sound of trains. (Becs) i hate it. (Ems)
26) P90x work outs at 5:30 in the morning will leave you questioning your life. I alive right now...if so, why?
27) most quoted quote at SROM: "WHYYY MOSES WHY?!?"
28) Don't go there. Just don't. Don't even think about it. If you're asking where 'there''ve become too curious and have already gone to far. Stop. Turn around. Elevate.
29) Safeway announces when they are closing. the second. "Attention Safeway customers we will be closing in 3 minutes and 47 seconds." Not kidding.

Have you grown weary of our recent competencies in Laramie? Have you learned anything yourself? Do you want to visit us yet? Well..there are plenty more nuggets for you to enjoy, but we will save them for another time..another post. You (whoever you are reading this) are awesome. We're serious about that. Lurv ya.

EMs and BECs

...creepy wink #)

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