So, instead of giving you one novel to read, Ems and I decided to break up our posts for you this evening. As Ems explained, the Grand Canyon was an incredible beginning to our summer endeavors. Before arriving to Wyoming my life was in a literal state of chaos. Finals, graduation, leaving my cherished community and best friends, saying goodbye to my parents, weddings, starting to date someone etc - it seemed that any major transition that could possibly occur at a given time, established itself in my life within a two week span. But I realized something very important on our last day of instructor training last week: I was on my own mission. While in this whirlwind state, I was focused on my agenda and consequently seemed to be spinning frantically on a bicycle, yet getting nowhere and being excellent at nothing. I say all this to explain to you that I allotted no time to be still before my Father, reflect on what He has for me/how He wants to use me, or rest in His embrace. I was a slave to the immediate or spur-of-the-moment requests. I was giving my time, energy and heart to counterfeit affections that left me unsatisfied, unfulfilled and ultimately dryyyyy as can be. I knew the person I wanted to be, but did not allow myself the necessary time to slow down and be guided by the still small voice that would get me there. The raging fires, wind and earthquakes going on around me won my attention.
I need you all to know where I was to understand where I am now/the place and posture the Lord is leading me into this summer. Today, Emily and I went on a run. I developed a side cramp and started lagging behind. Also, she is a stud runner and I hold her back when we run together anyways. But since I didn't have a buddy to talk to anymore, I started praying. This began as a request to alleviate the pain I was experiencing, but it turned into a picture revelation (prevelation) from the Lord. Soooo, I was praying for the 20 day/20 night course for 15-17 year old girls that I will be taking out in a little less than a month from now. I was seeking the Lord as to what these girls needed to hear from the Lord through me and my co-instructor Rachel Telian (aka R. Telly..yes this is her rapper name). Whilst praying over this course the Lord gave me an analogy of a creme brulee desert. So, creme brulees are delicious. Am I right? Well, in order to concoct such a delectable treat, a process must take place. I was thinking about all the components of cbs - pudding, hard shell on top etc. And the Lord told me that He is a creme brulee, He has given us a creme brulee to enjoy ourselves, and that we are to give our creme brulees to others. Bear with me. Creme brulees are delicious, but first you must crack the hard top layer (my dad's favorite part) in order to get to the rest of the scrumptiousness. The Lord told me to start praying that these girls would allow themselves to be refined before they get here - to "go under the torch" so to speak, that causes that hard shell. Then, upon arriving, that He would continue to chisel away at the shell in order for these girls to experience His goodness, faithfulness, holiness, righteousness and glory! Because GOD IS GOOD. Also, God has given us a creme brulee to offer this world. Each of us have specific and unique giftings to contribute to the Body of Christ that will honor our King and bring our lives uttermost joy. I desire these girls to know how much their Father loves and approves of them independent of anything they bring before Him that could earn His affirmation and affection.
I could go on for quite awhile about this analogy, as you can tell, and I would love to discuss this more with anyone who is willing. Seriously, I'm sure you (yes, you who are reading this post right now) have insight to God being a creme strange as that sounds. Thank you all for reading Ems and my most recent revelations. God is moving. He is shifting paradigms and continually refining us in ways and areas that leave no room for complacency, sameness or inability to praise Him. We BOTH want a heart of praise, for He is worthy. So worthy. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah.
What a cool post Becs. It's awesome to be able to see how God is moving through you as if you were sitting next to me telling me about it. This is exactly what I needed to hear tonight... so thanks for sharing. I miss you so much and know that you're having a blast and getting to do kingdom work while having the time of your life. You're great, and I love you. Thinking of you and praying for you often... xoxo